Charitable Gift Annuities

A charitable gift annuity allows you to make a gift to Dartmouth and receive regular fixed payments for life.
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  • Income opportunity: A charitable gift annuity provides income for life for one or two beneficiaries.
  • Immediate tax benefits: You can take a charitable tax deduction in the year you make your gift.
  • Future tax benefits: Reduce or eliminate your estate taxes by transferring assets to Dartmouth.
  • Recognition: When you establish a charitable gift annuity, you become a member of the Bartlett Tower Society.

How It Works

A charitable gift annuity is a simple contract between you and Dartmouth. In exchange for cash or marketable securities, you and/or your beneficiary will receive fixed income, backed by Dartmouth’s resources. Once the contract ends, the remainder of your gift will support Dartmouth programs of your choice.

If you don't need immediate income, you can make your gift now and forego payments until a later date. A deferred gift annuity allows you to receive immediate tax benefits and build up resources for your future. Allowing Dartmouth to pay you later results in a larger income stream for you.

Your charitable gift annuity payment amount is based on your age and/or your beneficiary's age and the size of the gift. Minimum gift amount is $10,000.

Next Steps

Contact the Gift Planning Office to learn more or start the charitable gift annuity process.

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Plan at a glance

Reduce Income Tax
Reduce Capital Gains
Reduce Estate Taxes
Transfer Wealth to Heirs
Provide Income
Business Interest
Personal Property
Real Estate
After Death
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